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Teachings from Swami Kripalu

The uniqueness of Kripalu Yoga is that postures, breath regulation, introversion, concentration, and meditation are all happening simultaneously. In the beginning stages, the practice of postures is primary and the other aspects of yoga are secondary.

In the final stage, meditation is the primary experience. The mind easily becomes concentrated and one-pointed through the practice of yoga. When control of the mind is obtained, the kingdom of peace is established.
Seekers who believe they must practice yoga only in the meditation room are under a great illusion. They must practice yoga in society as well. (Kripalu Yoga calls this "Yoga off the Mat"). Practicing yoga in the meditation room is easy because there are no external disturbances.

But one encounters many disturbances while practicing yoga in society, which makes it very difficult. If there were no difficulties, you would never realize your inner strength. 

Strength is always within us, but it only comes out when difficulty appears. The true yogi is one who can successfully protect his mental steadiness while in society.

Swami Kripalu (Bapuji)

Swami Kripalu (Babuji) was born January 13, 1913 in Gujarat, India. He was a highly renowned master of Kundalini Yoga as well as a moving speaker, prolific writer, and talented musician. 

His teachings serve as the foundation of the Kripalu Yoga Center's approach to Yoga and spiritual life

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